How can we celebrate International Women Day?
International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.
This year, 2021, the theme of International Women's Day is 'Choose to Challenge.' It is especially relevant and vital in a post-COVID scenario. The COVID-19 crisis has far-reaching social and economic consequences, both immediate, and stretching into an unpredictable future.
Here's a brief introduction from the International Women's Day site:
“A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.
We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.
From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge.”
International Women’s Day, 2021
Photo taken from IWD
1. Watch a movie about a strong female
There are TONS of movies out there showcasing a strong female lead whether it is the 2000's hit Charlie's Angels, venturing into a war to save mankind (Wonder Woman), or breaking stereotypes (Legally Blonde), there's something we can learn from every character.
2. Celebrate with a special woman in your life.
It can be a grandmother, a teacher, a coach, a neighbor, or a lunch lady. Every woman deserves to be celebrated today, and there are a few who deserve a little something extra. So, write her a card, take her out to lunch, buy her flowers, or anything else you can think of that would make her feel special and loved.
3. Involved in the official #ChooseToChallenge campaign
This one's a fun and easy one - gather the team, be it in the office (keeping in mind safe management measures) or in a virtual chatroom, to strike the #ChooseToChallenge pose by raising your hand. According to the official IWD website, this pose signifies your "commitment to choose to challenge inequality, call out bias, question stereotypes, and help forge an inclusive world." While you're at it, do consider submitting the picture as a pledge on the IWD site too!
If it's hard to get everyone's time for the picture, you can always choose to do a collage instead.
4. Show your support for women-owned small businesses
We all know it's not easy to start a business. And today, many women are breaking the mould and starting their own businesses, far up from what we've observed a decade ago. Show your support for these women-owned businesses - be it by signing up for a session if they're a fitness brand, purchasing items from them as an office gift, even giving them a shoutout online. A simple action goes a long way.
5. Raise funds for a women's charity
It doesn't have to be local. There are many charities in your country and around the world that could do with some funds for support women in all areas, especially poverty and education. So what better way to commemorate this meaningful day than to get the team/organisation involved in a fund-raising activity? If you plan to host Trivia Night, that could be one surefire way to raise funds for charity.