Q. How to purchase my order on the site?
To order your purchase :-

  1. Click “Add to cart” button on the products you wish to purchase.
  2. Click “Continue Shopping” to continue add other products into the cart or click “Checkout” to proceed your payment for the products.
  3. You'll reach a shipping details confirmation page, which there is a "log in option". If you don't have an account created yet, we would recommend you to create an account for your future shopping convenient, and so you won't miss out on our member exclusive offer.
  4. You'll need to confirm your shipping address on the “Shipping Address” page and click “next” button.
  5. From here, you need to select your shipping methods and click “next” button.
  6. Next you'll need to choose your payment method then click “next” button.
  7. After the steps before this have been done, You need to reconfirm your billing details and agree on the terms and condition.
  8. Click “Confirm Order” to complete the order.

Q. What are the payment methods available?
La Parure offers various kind of Payment Methods as shown below :-
1. Via Ipay88 (Visa or Mastercard / Internet Banking) 

2. Invoice / Cheque / Offline Bank Transfer to

Bank Account : 8009836850

After you made the payment, please send us the payment details of :
Bank Name :
Banking Date :
Banking Time :
Banking Reference No :
Total ammount you have paid :
Your Order No :

You may scan and email us the above info to Email Address : laparurejewellery@gmail.com

Note: Your purchased products will not be delivered until we have this confirmation.

Q. How to change my account personal information and shipping address?

  • Log-in your account → Click on “Account Maintenance” → Edit your account information and Shipping address here.

Q. I forgot my Password for my account. What should I do to retrieve it?

  1. Click on “Lost Password?” and fill your email that used to register the account in the box.
  2. Click Submit.
  3. A verification token will be sent to you. Once you have received the token, you will be able to choose a new password for your account.

Q. Can I cancel an existing order that have been made?
Yes,  only if the order is still on pending status.

- Please send an email to our customers service email at laparurejewellery@gmail.com with the message title “Request to cancel order” in order to inform us about the cancellation order.

- Orders that are in shipping or shipped will not be canceled.

Q. What is the product's transaction currency?
All products transaction currency will be done in RMY (Ringgit Malaysia).


QHow's your packaging looks like?


Q. How do I know if my order has been shipped?

You will be sent an email with a unique tracking number as soon as your order has been shipped. Be sure to fill in a valid, working email address, and to check your email for updates!

Q. I did not receive my parcel.

La Parure Jewellery is not liable for any products damaged or lost during shipping, however please contact us if you did not receive your order or if you think your parcel is lost. We will try our best to work with the carrier to locate your parcel or file a claim for you. 

Q. I still have doubts!
Sorry that we're unable to clear your doubts in the F.A.Q page. Please kindly send us an email to laparurejewellery@gmail.com for us to clear your doubts.